30th  October 2020 | ONLINE

On October 30th, 2020 Antonio Mirabile participated to the online training course entitled “Deterioration and conservation of contemporary art on paper”. During this event, Antonio Mirabile had the opportunity to present APACHE project and to show the case study of the drawing “Watercolour and mica on paper laid on a suspended wooden board” which have also problems of preventive conservation, made by the artist Huang Yong Ping.

“The course had more than a positive impact on our academic student environment at UFRJ as well as in the general community of students, conservation and restoration professionals during the morning of the offered webinar.” – said Maria Luisa Soares coordinator of the Preserving the Ephemeral project – “The course was organized by the Preserving the Ephemeral Project, LABPEL – UFRJ and the partnership of the APACHE Group, which we thank immensely for making such an event possible. The event made available 100 places, which had their registrations filled and on the day of the event was attended by 73 of the 100 registered, on the morning of October 30th, 2020.”

One of the case studies presented during the webinar emphasizing the negative effects of acetic and formic acids, emitted from wood, on paper artworks.  A relevant topic dealt with in the APACHE project