Experimental evaluation of damage function to describe cultural heritage materials degradation
- To develop a damage function for a selected cotemporary plastic material, such as PVC and contemporary paper and board, using colour and mechanical properties as the properties of interest to conservation. The damage function will be used for the development of decision making protocols in WP5.
- To provide, in continuous dialogue with WP2, the required data to model material behaviour, such as porosity, emission, and degradation data on the one hand, and use results of materials modelling to enhance the damage functions.
- To develop tests to be used for novel board and other materials for storage, to ensure minimum emissivity and thus safety of new products in WP3.
- To develop reference laboratory techniques for pollution measurement within enclosures, to be used to validate the novel sensing solutions developed in WP4.
- To develop, on the basis of the above, a new model of general enclosure behaviour that could be used to validate and optimize new APACHE products and solutions, as well as optimize decision making in WP5.
Multi-scale modelling to allow predictions about the CH degradation based on experimental data
Existing advanced multi-scale modelling will provide a simulation of the degradation of synthetic polymers largely used in contemporary art, and evaluate the emission level of VOCs, which will be used by sensors developers for setting detection limits. Moreover, modelling will allow the evaluation of polymer lifetime in the presence of VOCs, which will be used to set the onset of degradation processes. Multi-scale modelling will also allow determining the optimal characteristics of the absorbents and their lifetime. The main objectives are two-fold: 1) provide additional data and knowledge on atomistic and possibly electronic levels of degradation processes and 2) provide main components for the APACHE APP, which is an online and offline APP integrated on the EMMC Materials Modelling Marketplace or hosted locally to provide a system to manage the core modelling and data including machine learning and damage functions.
Development of new tools/solutions for the monitoring and control/adjustment of environmental condition on storing/displaying CH
This WP will cover the development of thermal insulators, tools for relative humidity regulation, and novel absorbents for VOCs and pollutants. All the proposed solutions improve on traditional packaging materials and display boxes in terms of effectiveness and saving costs.
The main objective is to find the ideal solution to fit the specific requirements of the different packaging materials investigated in APACHE.
– Archive boxes.
– Storage crates.
– Display-cases.
Data transmission through Wireless Sensor Technology (WST) & testing new solutions/devices
This work-package is dedicated to the fabrication and characterisation of novel sensors targeting detection of VOCs, pollutants, humidity and temperature-regulator sensors. Developed sensors will be subsequently electronically integrated into a wireless sensing and networking platform. Data generated by the sensor platforms will be managed by an application server comprising the following platforms: RFID, Wifi, Bluetooth.
Development of decision-making tool for curators and conservators to support preventive conservation actions
A decision-making software tool based upon a modular set of decision trees for guiding the selection of the most suitable preventive conservation measures will be developed.
Development of prototypes, standardization, and exploitation strategy
In WP6 the main objectives are:
- Elaboration of the exploitation plan
- Standardization and Certification
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of new developed tools/solutions
- Prototype development
Fulfilling these objectives will allow the creation of an open data repository that gathers the knowledge generated in APACHE or previous projects in the fields of preventive conservation.
Dissemination and communication strategy
- Inform all potential stakeholders about the activities and results of the project.
- Develop and undertake a communication and dissemination plan to raise awareness about the APACHE project.
- Promote knowledge, stimulate debate and disseminate results and best practices.
- Organize trainings, seminars and workshops involving all relevant stakeholders on the use of the new tools.
- Provide internal consultation, feedback and exchange between the user group and all other WPs.
Scientific and financial management
Project administration, which includes:
- Management and coordination of the project in order to execute it with high quality and effectiveness.
- Finding the best strategy for the implementation of the project and the milestones achievement, with respect to the original plan.
- Financial administration (control and manage efficiently the resource committing).
- Scientific coordination, including analysis of technical, scientific, and economical benefits.