The training organized by the European project APACHE and by the Hungarian National Museum aims to explore the consortium activities, to spread knowledge generated during the development of the project within academic, professional, potential users and industrial domains in addition to upskill key stakeholders and staff on the use of the novel materials/tools/solutions applied to the preventive conservation of cultural heritage.

WHEN: Wednesday, 29th June 2022

WHERE: Main Hall – Hungarian National Museum 1088 Budapest | Múzeum krt. 14–16, Hungary (Budapest)

> Demonstrations and practical activities will be in English, without simultaneous translation.

> Attendees are encouraged to bring his/her laptop and smartphone to test the innovative data management systems.


  • Antonio Mirabile (Paper Conservator, Project Dissemination Leader) / Piero Baglioni (CSGI-University of Florence, Project Coordinator)
  • Hungarian National Museum

Participation to the workshop is free, upon registration within the limit of available places. In order to register, please complete the following form >>


E-mail: [email protected]

Hungarian National Museum

Degradation of movable, tangible and indoor cultural heritage can be significantly increased by disadvantageous and unstable climate conditions, light, and intrinsic or external pollution. Preventive conservation aims to minimize aging and degradation by optimizing, among other, display and storage solutions. In the recent years, several active and intelligent packaging materials have been developed and put to use, especially in food industries. However, these materials are short-term solutions that cannot be easily adapted for cultural heritage, where long-term stability is mandatory. In the APACHE proposal, the novel combination of active novel packaging materials, developed based on materials modelling, with sensors and wireless sensor technologies (WST) provides smart, low-cost easy-to-deploy systems for storage and exhibition of cultural heritage objects. One of the main goal of APACHE is to dramatically reduce the costs of mechanical climate control and monitoring systems, by developing and customising smart and affordable novel materials, based on material science advancements and discrete and continuum modelling.



Lectures and presentations about the novel combination of active novel packaging materials, developed based on materials modelling, with sensors and wireless sensor technologies (WST) provides smart, low-cost easy-to-deploy systems for storage and exhibition of cultural heritage objects


Practical workshops around the application methodologies and the use of some developed technologies


A final interactive sessions with the aim of sharing the project experiences with conservators and collect feedbacks from potential end-users


Wednesday, 29th June 2022

08:30 – 08:45 Opening and Welcome from Hungarian National Museum

08:45 – 09:00 The Apache project: the main objectives and the APACHE trainings
Antonio Mirabile (Paper Conservator, Project Dissemination Leader)
Piero Baglioni (CSGI-University of Florence, Project Coordinator)

Session on modelling

09:00 – 09:20 Using a decision-making tool to select the best box for each environment
Himantha Cooray (University College of London)

09:20 – 09:40 Computational aspects of acrylic paint degradation
Aysenur Iscen and Nancy Forero-Martinez (MPG)

09:40- 10:00 Protocols for monitoring pollutants in museums
Ida Kraševec (University of Ljubljana)

10:00 – 10:30 Coffee break

Session on pollutants absorbers

10:30-10:55 Innovative “green” gels as new art cleaning pollutant absorbers in conservation.
Piero Baglioni and David Chelazzi (CSGI-University of Florence)

10:55-11:20 Absorbers and regulators for the preventive conservation of artifacts.
Marino Lavorgna (CNR – IPCB)

11:20-11:45 Multifunctional materials based on chitosan for the sustainable conservation of metal works of art in museum environments.
Gabriella Di Carlo (CNR –  ISMN)

11:45-12:10 Graphene-based materials for the protection of artworks
Costas Galiotis (FORTH)

12:10-12:35 Cellulose-silica composites for the capture of gaseous pollutants in museums and archives
Romain Bordes (Chalmers)

12:35 – 13:30 Free Lunch  break

Session on sensors and data management

13:30 – 14:00 Sensitive and selective electrochemical sensors for monitoring the atmosphere of display cases and crates in museums
Daniele Trucchi/Ionvac (CNR/IONVAC)

14:00 – 14:30 Wireless sensing and network solution for monitoring of temperature, humidity, VOCs
Per Skillermark (ERICSSON)

14:30 – 15:00 Demonstration of  a battery-less NFC sensor transponder for museum artifact monitoring.
Dinesh R. Gawade and Daniela Iacopino  (Tyndall National Institute Cork)

15:00 – 15:30 APACHE Decision Support System application in real collections case studies.
Giacomo Chiarot (Green Decision-University of Venice)

15:30 – 16:00 Fraunhofer Apache App
Joana Francisco Morgado (Fraunhofer)

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break

Session on boxes and display cases

16:30-17:00 Indoor air quality in museums showcases: materials interactions, off-gasing, impacts
Oscar Chiantore/Giancarlo Cotrufo (GOPPION)

17:00-17:30 Integration and practicability of regulators and sensing devices in archive boxes.
Manfred Anders and Steffen Ziemann (ZFB)

17:30 – 18:00   Open debate and feedbacks